Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Meanderings: Cruises

Hello everybody! Hope you had a great weekend.  Mine was very relaxing but I woke up this morning with a super sore throat and stuffed sinuses.  Hopefully this will go away soon!

My hubsy and I have been on 3 cruises in our 5 years of marriage. We promised ourselves we wouldn't become cruise people but there are some many pros and not many cons! 

Here are my top ten reasons to go on a cruise:
10. You only have to unpack once.
9. Towel animals!
8. You don't have to make your bed!
7. Awesome food.
6.  Everything (besides drinks) is included.
5. No set schedule.
4. You don't have to worry about getting in an argument with your spouse about how to get somewhere.
3. They take you to great locations.
2. Fun entertainment at night.
1. You can go bowling while sailing the high seas!

Going on a cruise is definitely something you should try at least once!  We love it and hope to someday go on one to the Mediterranean (maybe for our 10 year anniversary).

Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. We're joining the cruise club! Just booked a 7day Caribbean in June! Yay! Jamaica... Grand Cayman...Cozumel. Can't wait!
