Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Website Wednesdays 2/2

Hey!  I love reading food blogs/websites for inspiration and recipes.   Here are my top 5 food websites:

1. The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Ree Drummond aka the Pioneer Woman is a great cook.  Her recipes are simple and delicious, although definitely not low in calories. I have tried her lasagna, enchiladas, cinnamon rolls, and chicken parmigiana. 
2. Bakerella
Bakerella, definitely known for her cake balls, has some cute and fun posts about baking. I am always in
awe of the things she does with cake mix, icing and chocolate melts.
3. Rachael Ray Food
I have subscribed to Rachael Ray's magazine in the past and really like her recipes.  Sometimes it can be a little difficult to find some of the ingredients but overall a great site for recipes.
4. Food and Think
This blog, "A Heaping Help of Food News, Science and Culture", is great for learning all about food from all over the world.  The subjects of the posts are varied and can include anything from the history of doggie bags to the reasons why some people eat dirt.
5. Joy the Baker
This blog is new on my list but her recipes look delicious and she has a great writing style and sense of humor.

Do you have any food websites you like to visit?  Now get out there and start perusing the web!


  1. Love the websites (esp 1-3). I will have to check out websites 4 and 5!

  2. I highly recommend the Pioneed Woman Cinnamon Rolls!!!
